Wescott Pharmaceuticals
Active ingredient; Clomiphene 25mg/tablet. Presentation; Sealed container with 100 light-orange colored tablets.

Usual dosage; 25-100mg per day. 
 Clomid is an extremely effective selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), very similar to the other popular SERM Tamoxifen. It is mainly used as a strong fertility medicine, however, it is used most beneficially as part of the post cycle therapy for an anabolic steroid user. In men, Clomid is used during PCT to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more LH and FSH, which in turn will stimulate the natural production of testosterone. For use during PCT, Clomid will normally be administered at 50 mg per day for 4-6 weeks. Clomid can be used alone or together with Tamoxifen and HCG.
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